Saturday, 19 July 2014

Don't Fall For the girl who writes

Don’t fall for the girl who writes

Don’t fall for the girl who writes.

All the heart wrenching pieces that you’ll read are not a product for her beautiful mind but of a sickness thriving and blooming in her. If she didn’t write, she would have taken to the alcohol stashed in her refrigerator or the cigarettes kept behind the flower pots or the flimsy blade kept with her toothbrush. The profuse sadness that you read about will never give in to happiness being a muse and all. Her stories are only where she’ll across unguarded and if she confesses that the moving story you read was a page from her life for which if you end up sympathizing with her, she’ll probably hate you. The demons in her (that you think) she is afraid of have a cup of coffee with her almost every night. Have you noticed how one moment she can come up with a mushy prose and the next a dark one? Well, her moods are exactly like that. Falling for her will be like being stuck outdoors when there’s a constant cold gush of wind blowing and raining with a scalding sun above.

So, never ever fall for the girl who writes.

-Maupali Khan


  1. Beautifully written :)
    But I cannot agree with this entirely...falling for the girl who writes has its perks too.
    She can take you to fantasy lands no one else can. She will tell you tales of demons and fairies, and other mystical creatures she just dreamed up... She can turn a dull event into a very vividly thought out story.
    You just need someone with boundless patience.
    Only they can even think about falling for a girl who writes ^_^

    1. Exactly you need someone with boundless patience and an appetite for the messed up tales.
      Thank you very much by the way :)


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